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0 slow tours in Outback Australia

Outback Australia | Slow Tours

What is the Outback?

For many Australians, the term 'out back' means anything outside from their back door, but the real Outback covers over 6 million acres of Central Australia, from the deserts to the bushland, from lakes which completely dry out then flood in heavy rains. The Outback take up around 70% of the continent yet only 3% of the population live here. Unique in the world, the Outback has a character all of its own and its immensity is impressive at every step.

Visiting the Outback

Many more people are visiting the Outback every year and most are attracted by the diversity of landscapes, stunning scenery, flood plains and red dust country. You will find dramatic gorges and chasms and be struck by the still starry nights and the quietness of this vast country. You will take the outback into your heart and carry it home with you. The outback country changes and the red earth glows from horizon to horizon. The Outback stations are far apart, but it is here that you will find some of the friendliest people on earth.

Where is the Outback?

The extensive land of Central Australia goes from Queensland in the north of South Australia, from the far western reaches of Western Australia to the Northern Territory. 


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